Why Men Lie

Why Men Lie addresses a major issue within our society. A silent killer of hopes and dreams. It is an issue that has become normal for everyone. It shouldn't be. We should expect the truth from a politician, a career professional, salesmen, and family and friends. Are you a person looking for a healthy relationship? Are you concerned that lies are a part of who they are? The problem is that lying causes many issues that go unseen. When they are left unchecked, they can cause widespread havoc. We live in a culture plagued by a fog of Lies. Relationships continue to be devastated by Liars. Businesses fail from Lies. Societies, friendships, and families crumble from Lying. We no longer know who to trust. It doesn't have to be this way. Exposing the Liar and why he Lies can help you navigate this tough terrain while avoiding unnecessary pain, trauma, and devastation. This book will help you understand the motivational reasons why people lie with the use of practical tools, inspirational stories, and personal empowerment over lies. It will define what a lie is and its impact on our life. It’s time to sound the alarm for TRUTH.
Why Men Lie book is a self-help book that uses both personal and historical accounts of situations to identify and reinforce the negative impact of lies and the positive impact of being truthful.
It is this author's goal to help people move from being liars. To being honest people. To help others see the benefit that truthfulness brings. To add hope and happiness into the lives and relationships of those wounded by LIARS.
I Used to be a Liar
I Hope you enjoy this book. It is a culmination of my life's mission to be more honest. It started when I was a young boy with dreams of being a mobster like my grandfather was. Like my father was, I think. I'm not too sure about my father as he never talked about it. We spent most of my life at odds but later made amends. I don't want to say too much, or you won't read it. I thought I would give you a little background into my mindset when I was young before my grandfather passed away. The Book takes off from this point of view but goes somewhere completely different.
The idea for this book came to me as a result of working years with those in recovery. It's a collection of life stories and principles I learned in life and from other events.